International Study Group on the Relations Between
An Affiliate of the International Commission on
Mathematical Instruction


Asian-Pacific HPM
in Tai-Chung




Announcements of events

Future events

1-5, 2024    

History and Pedagogy of Mathematics (HPM) 2024
HPM Satellite meeting of ICME 15
Kensington campus,
University of New South Wales,

Sydney Australia

First Announcement:The Call for Contributions is now available:

Deadline for submissions: 15 March 2024


July 7-14, 2024
15th International Congress on Mathematical Education - ICME 15
International Convention Centre, Sydney, Australia


Past events

July 18-22, 2022  (ESU-9)

Ninth European Summer University on 
History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education

Department of Mathematics University of Salerno,
Fisciano (SA), Italy

Updated Announcement
Second Announcement

First Announcement
Activity Application Form

30 November 2021: deadline for submitting Abstracts of proposals for all types of activities
31 December 2021: Notification of acceptance or not of the submitted proposals
31 January 2022:
Deadline for submission of revised abstracts

Marta Menghini (chair), La Sapienza Roma University, Italy,
Evelyne Barbin,
University of Nantes, France,
Roberto Capone, University of Salerno, Italy,
Michael N. Fried, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Hélder Pinto, University of Aveiro & Piaget Institute, Portugal


HPM 2020

Original schedule
University of Macau, Macau, China
July 21-25, 2020 (Original schedule)
July 20 - 24, 2021 (modified and finally cancelled)

Second Announcement
First Announcement

Due to COVID-19, HPM 2020 was NOT held in Macao, China

as originally scheduled. Instead

HPM 2020
has been replaced by a one day online-only meeting
with plenary lectures only
July 19, 202

in conjunction with the
British Society for the History of Mathematics

the full programme is available on 

HPM 2020 is the tenth quadrennial meeting of the International Study Group on the Relations Between the History and Pedagogy of Mathematics - the HPM Group. The HPM Group is an affiliated study group of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI). By combining the history of mathematics with the teaching and learning of mathematics, HPM connects the past and the future of mathematics.
Therefore, the group aims to stress the conception of mathematics as a living science, a science with a long history, a vivid present, and an as yet unforeseen future.

Main themes
The plenary lectures are structured around the following topics:
Theoretical and/or conceptual frameworks for integrating history in mathematics education.
2. History and epistemology in students' and teachers' mathematics education: Classroom experiments and teaching materials.
3. Original sources in the classroom and their educational effects.
4. Mathematics and its relation to science, technology, and the arts: Historical issues and interdisciplinary teaching and learning.
5. Cultures and mathematics fruitfully interwoven.
6. Topics in the history of mathematics education.
7. History of Mathematics in China and Eastern Asia.


July 11-18, 2021 (New dates)

July 12-19, 2020 (Original schedule)
14th International Congress on Mathematical Education -
Shanghai, China

Due to COVID-19,

ICME-14, has also been postponed to 11 -18 July 2021

New venue:  Putuo Campus of East China Normal University,
3663 Zhongshan Road North, Shanghai China

(for more information see:

Deadline for submitting to Topic Study Groups: September 15, 2019 (see below)

For details on the complete scientific programme of ICME 14 and its structure and time-schedule, as well as on practical details, the registration process, the venue and social events, visit the official ICME 14 website and especially its 2nd Announcement See also the 1st Announcement

A major part of the scientific program of the ICMEs consists of Topic Study Groups (TSG). These are mini conferences designed to gather a group of the Congress participants who are interested in a particular area of Mathematics Education.

During ICME 14, there will be 62 TSGs in total.

: Please notice the following deadlines  for submitting contributions to TSGs:
June 1 - September 30, 2019: Submission of papers & posters

December 1, 2019 - February 29, 2020:
Submission of the extended papers if applicable
December 1, 2019 - February 29, 2020: Second-round submission  of posters (submissions in this round have no chance to apply for a solidarity fund)

 All proposals for paper and poster presentations will be submitted via the ICME 14 website
For more details visit the webpage for Topic Study Groups 

Two of ICME 14 TSGs are directly related to the HPM perspective, constituting an important activity of the HPM Group, namely:

TSG 27: The role of the history of mathematics  in mathematics education
chair: Y. Weiss (Germany),  
 D. van den Bogaart (The Netherlands),

TSG 27 aims to provide a forum for participants to share their research interests and results, as well as their teaching ideas and classroom experience in connection with the integration of the history of mathematics in mathematics education. Special care is taken to present and promote ideas and research results of an as broad as possible international interest, while still focusing due attention to the national aspects of research and teaching experience in this area. Every effort will be made to allow researchers to present their work, get fruitful feedback from the discussion, and stimulate the interest of newcomers by giving them the opportunity to get a broad overview on the state-of-the-art in this area.
This TSG refers to all levels of education – from primary school to tertiary education, including in-service teachers’ training – preferably on work and conclusions based on actual classroom experiments and/or produced teaching and learning materials.

The program of TSG 27 will be structured around the following main themes:
1. Theoretical and/or conceptual frameworks – in particular from general mathematics education research – for integrating history in mathematics education; 2. History and epistemology implemented in mathematics education: Classroom experiments and teaching materials, considered from various perspectives; e.g., cognitive, didactical, pedagogical, affective, etc.;
3. Surveys on the history of mathematics as it appears in curriculum and/or textbooks;
4. Original sources in the classroom, and their educational effects;
5. The role of history of mathematics in relation to the use of digital technologies in the teaching and learning of mathematics;
6. History and epistemology as a tool for an interdisciplinary approach in the teaching and learning of mathematics and the sciences by unfolding their productive interrelations; and
7. Cultures and mathematics fruitfully interwoven.

TSG 55: The history of the teaching and learning of Mathematics  
chair: W. Rodrigues Valente (Brazil),

A. Karp (USA),

TSG 55 is designed to bring together scholars interested in research on the history of mathematics education. The aim of the TSG is to provide a forum for the discussion of findings and unsolved problems in the history of mathematics education as well as of issues in methodology of research in this field. During the last years research in the history of mathematics education has been actively developed – important books and articles, specialized conferences, specialized journals, and special issues of some major serials have been devoted to the relevant topics. Still, it is very clear that many themes are not explored sufficiently and sometimes almost nothing is known about some periods and regions. Additionally, the history of mathematics education is often explored from a local (or national) point of view only. Often connections with similar processes happening elsewhere need to be revealed and understood. This TSG is supposed to help researchers in identifying new topics and new techniques for studies and in establishing fruitful collaboration in their work.

Meetings of the TSG will offer presentations on a variety of topics including the following (but not limited to them):

• History of reforms in mathematics education
• History of teaching different mathematical subjects (Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, Probability, etc.)
• History of tools in mathematics education (including textbooks, manipulatives, calculators, etc.)
• Mathematics teachers: history of professionalization
• Local, national, and international dimensions in the history of mathematics education
• History of mathematics education journals and conferences
• Heroes and actors in mathematics education: lives and contributions
• Research methodology in the history of mathematics education.


July 11 - 14, 2021 (New dates)

University of St Andrews, UK

July 6-8, 2020 (Original schedule)

People, Places, Practices: Joint BSHM-CSHPM/SCHPM Conference 2020

People, Places, Practices, is the 5-yearly joint conference of the British Society for the History of Mathematics and Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Mathematics/La Société Canadienne d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Mathématiques, in collaboration with HOM-SIGMAA, the History of Mathematics Special Interest Group of the MAA.

People, Places, Practices, will showcase a broad range of approaches to the history of mathematics:
• People allows discussion of the cultural roles of mathematical biography, the historiographic and technical challenges of writing mathematical biography, as well as more straightforward biographical approaches
• Places provides for the influence of location, geographical, spatial, conceptual or cultural, on mathematics and mathematicians
• Practices encompasses the ways in which mathematicians and mathematical practitioners work or have worked, along with the materials, devices, and ideas used


The conference will have a couple of days dedicated also to the pedagogical remit of the history of mathematics and we therefore invite submissions for short presentations (20 mins presentation + 10 mins questions), or for symposia or workshops (60 mins or 90 mins), on topics related to the main themes of the conference. Topics from any historical period or geographical focus are welcome. Other session formats are encouraged; if you would like to propose one, please contact Isobel Falconer

To submit abstracts of up to 500 words (individual papers), or 1000 words (symposia or workshops) by 30 November, please use easychair online service, but state clearly at the top of your proposal whether you wish to present on the education days. This can be done at Individual paper abstracts should include a short biography of the speaker. Symposia/workshop abstracts should give brief details of the chair and presenters, their topics and what the symposium/workshop as a whole will contribute to the conference.

We expect to have reached decisions on papers by 15 January 2020. Early-bird conference registration will close on 31 March 2020.

For further details of the conference and venue, see



June 18, 2019

 Conference in memory of Giorgio Bagni

organized by
Università di Udine, Centro Morin di Treviso & Associazione Italiana di Ricerca in Didattica della Matematica



July 20-24, 2018

th European Summer University on  History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education (ESU-8)

OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University,
Oslo, Norway

First Announcement
Activity Application Form

Second Announcement

NEW!  The complete Proceedings of ESU-8 are available for download from HERE

Proposals should be submitted online from the ESU-8 website
Please visit the following URL: and create your personal account in order to be able to submit your proposals  

The deadline for proposal submission has been extended to 15 November 2017.  

Updated information in the HPM Newsletter No 96, November issue 2017

Constantinos Tzanakis, chair:
Bjørn Smestad, co-chair:
Evelyne Barbin, co-chair
Uffe Thomas Jankvist, co-chair:
Tinne Hoff Kjeldsen, co-chair:


July 24-31, 2016
13th International Congress on Mathematical Education - ICME 13
Hamburg, Germany

Deadline for submitting to Topic Study Groups: October 15, 2015 (see below)

For details on the complete scientific programme of ICME 13 and its structure and time-schedule, as well as on practical details, the registration process, the venue and social events, visit the official ICME 13 website and especially its 2nd Announcement at

For ICME 13 flyer click here
More concise information on ICME 13 is available in this presentation, and in this video.

A major part of the scientific program of the ICMEs consists of Topic Study Groups (TSG). These are mini conferences designed to gather a group of the Congress participants who are interested in a particular area of Mathematics Education.

During ICME 13, there will be 54 TSGs in total.

: Please notice the following deadlines  for submitting contributions to TSGs (already expired):
September 1 - October 15, 2015: Submission of papers
September 1 - October 1, 2015: Submission of posters, for authors intending to apply for a solidarity fund
January 1 - February 15, 2016:  Submission of posters, for authors not intending to apply for a solidarity fund

All proposals for paper and poster presentations will be submitted via the ICME 13 website at
For more details visit
period for poster submission

Submission of a poster will be possible from
 4 to 18 April 2016 NEW!

Two of ICME 13 TSGs are directly related to the HPM perspective, constituting an important activity of the HPM Group, namely:

TSG 24: History of the teaching and learning of Mathematics  
F. Furinghetti (Italy),
A. Karp (USA),

TSG 25: The role of History of Mathematics  in Mathematics Education
co-chairs: C. Tzanakis (Greece),
X.Wang (China),

TSG 25 aims to provide a forum for participants to share their research interests and results, as well as their teaching ideas and classroom experience in connection with the integration of the History of Mathematics (HM) in Mathematics Education (ME).
The discussion within this TSG refers to all levels of education – from primary school, to tertiary education, including in-service teachers’ training.

The programme of TSG 25 will be structured around the following main themes:
1. Theoretical and/or conceptual frameworks for integrating history in mathematics education;
2. History and epistemology implemented in mathematics education: Classroom experiments and teaching materials, considered from either the cognitive or/and affective points of view;
Surveys on the history of mathematics as it appears in curriculum and/or textbooks (including the history of mathematics in old mathematics textbooks);
4. Original sources in the classroom, and their educational effects;
5. History and epistemology as a tool for an interdisciplinary approach in the teaching and learning of mathematics and the sciences by unfolding their fruitful interrelations;
6. Cultures and mathematics fruitfully interwoven.

There will be the following types of contributions:
- Invited contributions,
- Submitted contributions
that will lead either to a paper, or a poster presentation.

Each participant can submit a proposal either for a paper or a poster presentation, but not for both.

The original announcement of TSG 25 has been detailed, especially on the procedure of submitting  proposals and time schedule. Please click here.

The Organizing Team (OT) of TSG 25 has performed a survey on the developments in the HPM domain since 2000, the year of publication of the comprehensive History in Mathematics Education: The ICMI Study, edited by J. Fauvel & J. van Maanen (Kluwer 2000). Since its publication, however, the HPM domain has expanded considerably and intensive research activity has been realized worldwide that led to a great deal of thoughtful publications both on theoretical issues and empirical investigations. Nevertheless, a comprehensive survey is still lacking. Therefore, the survey carried out by the OT of TSG 25 aims to contribute to filling the gap, at the same time providing a useful tool to anyone with interest in this domain and wants to become informed on the main issues and to have a concise guide of the work done in this area.

With focus on the period after the publication of the above ICMI Study Volume, this survey attempts to provide concise annotated reference to existing work in this area, related to the TSG 25 main themes. However, it should be considered only as a working document to be kept updated both by the OT of TSG 25 and/or other members of the community, who will point out further references that are missing. Any comments, suggestions, amendments and further bibliographical references are most desirable and welcome!
The survey is available at HPMinME-TopicalStudy-29-8-2017.pdf


July 18-22, 2016
HPM 2016
Montpellier, France

HPM 2016 is the 9th quadrennial meeting of the International Study Group on the Relations Between the History and Pedagogy of Mathematics — the HPM Group. It is a satellite meeting of the 2016 International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME 13) and is scheduled just before it.
These quadrennial meetings are a major activity of HPM to bring together individuals with a keen interest in the relationship between the history of mathematics and mathematics education.

Main theme and topics
The theme of HPM 2016 is “Mathematics in the Mediterranean." The program and activities are structured around the following topics:
1. Theoretical and/or conceptual frameworks for integrating history in mathematics education.
2. History and epistemology in students and teachers mathematics education: Classroom experiments and teaching materials.
3. Original sources in the classroom and their educational effects.
4. Mathematics and its relation to science, technology, and the arts: Historical issues and interdisciplinary teaching and learning.
5. Cultures and mathematics.
6. Topics in the history of mathematics education.
7. Mathematics in Mediterranean countries.

Submission of Abstracts: October 31, 2015

Notification of acceptance or not of the submitted abstracts: 30 November 2015

Submission of full texts: February 8, 2016.
Notification of acceptance or not of the submitted texts: 13 April, 2016
Early registration deadline: 29 April, 2016
Regular registration deadline: 22 June, 2016
HPM 2016 takes place: 18-22 July 2016

For more information see the First Announcement
For submitting a proposal, download and fill-in the Activity Application Form


For updated detailed information, see the Second Announcement
or the March 2016 issue of the HPM Newsletter, No91, pp. 1-2 &14-17

The volume of the Proceedings of the meeting is already available from here NEW!

For further information, please contact:

Luis Radford (Chair),
Fulvia Furinghetti (Co-chair),
Thomas Hausberger (Co-chair),
·         Anne Cortella (Co-chair),


September 23-26, 2015
Fourth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education
(ICHME 4 )
Turin, Italy

July 14-18, 2014
7th European Summer University on the History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education

Aarhus University, Campus Emdrup, Denmark
First Announcement
Activity Application Form

Evelyne Barbin, Chair of the ESU7
Tinne Hoff Kjeldsen, Co-chair:
Uffe Thomas Jankvist, Co-chair:


March 1-3, 2013
History and Pedagogy of Mathematics (HPM) Americas Section 2013 East Coast Meeting
United States Military Academy, West Point, NY
Contact person: Amy Ackerberg-Hastings,
Email Address:

Special features of this meeting include a visit to the Academy's rare book collections. This is the only call for papers to be presented at the meeting. HPM seeks a variety of talks on relations between the history and pedagogy of mathematics. Talks will be about 30 minutes long. Prospective speakers should send a title and abstract, as well as their own contact information, to Fred Rickey at by February 15, 2013. Contact Amy Ackerberg-Hastings,, for information on registration or visit the HPM web site,

For more information, see this Announcement


October 26-28, 2012
History and Pedagogy of Mathematics (HPM) Americas Section 2012 West Coast Meeting
University of California, Berkeley, California, USA
Contact person: Amy Ackerberg-Hastings,
Email Address:

Special features of this meeting include a rare book exhibit and a visit to the

Lawrence Hall of Science. This is a first call for papers to be presented at the
meeting. HPM seeks a variety of talks on relations between the history and 
pedagogy of mathematics. Talks will be about 30 minutes long. Because of 
time constraints, we cannot guarantee that all submissions for talks will be 
accepted. Priority will be given to speakers who have not spoken at recent 
HPM meetings.
Prospective speakers should send a title and abstract, as well as their own contact information, to
Kathy Clark at 
by September 26, 2012.
Contact Amy Ackerberg-Hastings,, for information on registration or visit the HPM web site,

For more information, see this Announcement

July 16-20, 2012
HPM 2012
Daejeon, South Korea  
First Announcement
Second Announcement

July 8-15, 2012
Seoul, South Korea 

February 9-13, 2011 
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education

Rzeszow, Poland
Group 12: History in Mathematics Education
Chair: Uffe Thomas Jankvist (Denmark)

Call for Papers

October 23-24, 2010
West Coast Meeting of HPM-Americas Section
California Institute of Technology (CalTech), Pasadena , California , USA
Contact: David L. Roberts

July 19-23, 2010
6th European Summer University on the History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education

Vienna Institute of Technology, Vienna, Austria
First Announcement
Second Announcement


May 29-31, 2010
The Tenth Maghrebian Colloquium on the History of Arab Mathematics
Contact: Prof. Mahdi Abdeljaouad, Institut Supérieur de l'Éducation et de la Formation Continue, 43 rue de la Liberté, 2019 Le Bardo, Tunisie.

March 30, 2010
The History of Mathematics in the Undergraduate Curriculum
University of Greenwich, UK
A workshop organised jointly by the British Society for the History of Mathematics and the Higher Education Academy Maths, Stats and OR Network.

March 13-14, 2010
History and Pedagogy of Mathematics (HPM) Americas Section 2010 Annual Meeting
MAA Carriage House, 1781 Church Street NW, Washington, DC, USA
Contact: Dave Roberts


 December 16-18, 2009
Numeracy: Historical, philosophical and educational perspectives
Oxford, UK 

May 22-25, 2009
The 3rd International Symposium on the History and Pedagogy of Mathematics in China,
Beijing Normal University, 19 Xinjeikouwai St., Beijing, 100875,  P. R. of China
Contact Information:
History of Mathematics Communications:
Contact Person and Address: Xichi Wang, College of Mathematics & Natural Sciences, Beijing Normal University, 19 Xinjeikouwai St., Beijing, 100875, P. R. of China.

Major Topics of the Symposium
1 The problems, issues, and solutions in developing math courses for the history of mathematics at secondary level.
2 Research on case studies of the history and pedagogy of mathematics
3 New development of research on the history and pedagogy of mathematics
4 History of mathematics, culture of mathematics, and human civilization
5 New development of the history of mathematics

 March 14-15 2009
HPM-Americas Second Annual Carriage House Meeting
MAA Carriage House, 1781 Church St NW, Washington, DC, USA
In addition, there will be a special visit to the US Naval Observatory on Friday, March 13 from 4 to 5:30 p.m. All visitors to the library must send name and birthdate in advance to, and they must bring a government photo ID with the name spelled just as submitted in advance.

January 27 - February 1, 2009
European Society for Research in mathematics Education

University Lyon 1, France 
Guidelines to authors
Proceedings style template
Group 15
: Theory and research on the role of history in Mathematics Education
Chair: Fulvia Furinghetti (Italy)
Call for papers 
Final Report composed at the closing of the meeting, to be included in the Proceedings

July 14-18, 2008
HPM 2008History and Pedagogy of Mathematics 
The HPM Satellite Meeting of ICME 11,
Centro Cultural del México Contemporáneo, Mexico City, Mexico 

July 6-13, 2008
Monterrey, Mexico   
There will be a 4-hour meeting of the HPM Group; see its programme

April 17 - 19,  2008 
5th International Colloquium on the Didactics of Mathematics 
Department of Education, Univeristy of Crete, 
Rethymnon, Crete, Greece  

July 19-24, 2007
5th European Summer University on the history and epistemology in mathematics education
Faculty of Education, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic









International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI)

America's Chapter of the History and Pedagogy of Mathematics

African Mathematical Union Commission on the History of Mathematics in Africa (AMUCHMA)

Instituts de Recherche sur l'Enseignement des Mathematiques (IREM)

British Society for the History of Mathematics (BSHM)

David Joyce's History of Mathematics Home Page

Euclid's Elements by David E. Joyce

The Italian Society of History of Mathematics (SISM)

The Math Forum Internet Resource Collection

 International Study Group on Ethnomathematics

Japanese Temple Geometry Problem by Hiroshi Kotera

Societad Brasileira de Historia da Matematica (SBHMat)

St Andrews MacTutor History of Mathematics

The International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME)

Laboratorio di Macchine Matematiche