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Affordable and Efficient Science Teacher In-service Training
a Comenius 2.1 project supported by the European Commission

AESTIT Partners

AESTIT - a presentation in brief

The AESTIT project is a formal project within the framework of SOCRATES – COMENIUS 2.1 European Union program. The proposal for this project to the European Commission was submitted by P. G. Michaelides from The University of Crete who acts as project coordinator. A paper on a similar title, presented at the Computer Based Learning in Science (CBLIS 2003) conference is the basis of the AESTIT project.

The aim of the project is to develop an Affordable, Sustainable and Efficient In-service Training scheme for the Science Teacher. This scheme is based on two axes:

The training courses developed will be:

All training courses are appropriately attested. Long training courses correspond to 4 credit points of informal training.

The focus of the project is on the promotion of the collaboration and cooperation between teachers, schools and institutions involved in Science education, in Science teaching and in Science Teaching education.

The fundamental philosophy is that:

A further objective is the establishment of a network of people including scientists, school-teachers and researchers to promote Science and Technology education. In this aspect membership consortium is open to other colleagues wishing to participate. This participation may be in any suitable form, for example:

Interested persons may contact us (click here).

P. G. Michaelides, B.Sc., Ph.D., LL.B.,
Professor at The University of Crete
January 2006