
The Hands on Science project: Perspectives of an adventure

P. G. Michaelides, Professor at The University of Crete,

This work has been partially financed by the European Commission (project “Hands-on Science” contract number 110157-CP-1-2003-1-PT-COMENIUS-C3). The views expressed represent the authors. Neither the European Commission nor the authors may be held responsible for any use of the information provided here.

Abstract. Contemporary knowledge conscious societies are dependent for their prosperity and development on Science and Technology literate citizens. The rapid advances in Science and Technology and their quick implementation into applications of every day’s use imply that social interaction may contribute very little, if any, towards this Science and Technology Literacy which may be effected only through an effective education. In this context the Science and Technology subjects of the school curricula especially of the schools in compulsory education become a significant parameter having as a primary objective the education of the future citizen and not that of a specialist to the field. The Hands on Science project, based on an initiative of Manuel Filipe Pereira da Cunha Martins Costa of the University of Minho was created within this context as a Comenius 3 project partially financed by the European Commission. In its 3 years of operation has been transformed into a large network with many and significant field activities. It acquired a momentum which has already formed other related activities permitting the continuation of its operation. It has also inspired new initiatives for an effective Science and Technology teaching appropriate for the citizen of a Technology conscious society. The perspectives of some of these initiatives are being explored in this work.

Keywords. Science teaching, school curriculum, compulsory education.

Paper presented at the HSci 2006 - 3rd International Conference on Hands-on Science, 4th - 9th September, 2006, Braga, Portugal, proceedings published by University of Minho HSci2006
