
Science Teaching with Self-made Apparatus

P. G. Michaelides, Professor at The University of Crete,

Tsigris Miltiadis, Chemist Teacher assigned to The University of Crete,

This work has been partially financed by the European Commission (project “Hands-on Science” contract number 110157-CP-1-2003-1-PT-COMENIUS-C3). The views expressed represent the authors. Neither the European Commission nor the authors may be held responsible for any use of the information provided here.

Abstract. The laboratory practice, for the students of the Pedagogical Departments and the for the schoolteachers, constitutes an important presumption for the future teaching of Science in the schools. Self made apparatus, especially when used in measurements, give the students, the ability to have an integrated control of the experimental steps, to improve their searching capabilities and to induct conclusions, through the measurement and the manipulation of their errors. Some examples of self made apparatus from different areas of Physics, are described in this work together with hints on their incorporation to the Teaching of Science.

Keywords. Self-Made Apparatus, Science Teaching, Measurements.

Paper presented at the 1st Inernational Conference on Hands on Science Hsci2004 – Teaching and Learning Science in the XX1 Century, 5-9 July 2004, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Proceedings pp.47-52 HSci2004
